Hi! I'm Clark.
I've been drawn to cameras my whole life, always attempting to capture the beauty I see around me in everyone and everything. My journey through editing, film, videography, and my own personal art led me here: photography! What I heard time and time again when people came around the camera at a photoshoot to see the pictures was some version of:
"I've never seen myself like this."
There is nothing quite like that magical moment of recognition. When someone's eyes light up, seeing the beauty in themselves, or in their family, or in their partner in a brand new light. This is what I strive for with EVERY picture.
I believe every person should be able to access that feeling. Regardless of who you are, where you came from, who you love, or how much money you make. I strive to make my services affordable, safe, and inclusive. I am here to serve my community- but especially those people who have been historically underserved- BIPOC people, the LGBTQIA+ community, those with disabilities whether invisible or plain to see. All those wonderful people whose joy needs to be seen and lifted up.
For all your photo needs, I'm here to help. Let's get in touch!
Email: clarkrowanphotography@gmail.com